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Midterm Discussion

Midterm Discussion

Q Midterm Discussion Thread - Discussion Group 3 From HUM-151-OA010 This week we are focusing on researching myths from a non-western culture of our choice, with exceptions. See the midterm paper instructions for the full list. For this assignment, you will share what you are working on with your group. The purpose of this assignment is to share the myth and a cultural representation you've found for it, and give you a chance to see what other people have found for their myths. Do not submit your entire paper here. The only things you are required to do here are: • Briefly summarize the myth you chose for your paper and the culture it comes from. (This can be even more brief than the summary you write for the assignment.) • Include one cultural representation of the myth. (This does not have to be the same one you use for your paper, does not have to come from the same culture as your myth, and you are not required to analyze it or discuss it in the way you did for your paper.) • Respond to two peers Your original response, worth 25 points, is due Thursday, and your peer responses, worth 2.5 points each, is due Sunday.

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The myth i have chosen is from originates from egypt, The myth I am writing about is the story of Hathor, The goddess of joy, beauty, woman's well being, and drunkenness. the story of hathor starts by how she became Hathor. originally Hathor was created by ra and she was then know as sekhmet the goddess of destruction sent down to destroy mankind because of the humanities wickedness. sekhmet almost destroys all of mankind, until the god of beer stops her by giving her a glass of beer which she thought to be human blood she becomes intoxicated and passes out and when she awakens she has transformed into the goddess of Hathor the opposite of destruction.